
3.0 冰心玉壶 2025-03-18 100 50 1.42MB 32 页 1金币 海报
第一篇 高频语法与难句归纳
第一章 非谓语动词结构
第一节 常见考点突破
1. 分词
Trucks and buses were driven on gas carried in large bags on the roof.在该句中gas 后紧跟一个过去分词
结构作其后置定语表示一种被动状态说明 gas 是被如何运输的
The girl standing there was crying.在该句中standing there The girl 的后置定语且使用现在分词形式表
He glanced over at her, noting that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.
逗号后紧跟一个 noting 引导的分词结构glanced over at her 的伴随状语表示同时进行的动作
He fired, killing one of the passers鄄by.在该句中killing...引导一个现在分词结构fired 的结果状语
Being tired with the work, he sat down to rest.在该句中分词结构 Being tired with the work 原因状语
2. 不定式
不定式由to + 动词原构成具有动词的特征同时也有名词形容词和副词的特征具体属于哪个特征应
He sent his daughter to America to learn English.在该句不定式 to learn English 作状语说明美国
We believe him to be guilty.在该句中不定式 to be guilty him 的宾语补足语
The topic to be discussed at the meeting is still unknown.在该句中不定式 to be discussed topic 的后
To know oneself is difficult.在该句中不定式 To know oneself 作句子的主语
My work is to clean the room every day.该句为主语 +系动词 +to clean the room
3. 动名词
It蒺s necessary to be prepared for a job interview; having the answers ready will be of great help.
动名词结构 having the answers ready 充当后一分句的主语
Her job was washing clothes.句为主系表句型washing clothes 是动名词结构作表语
I avoid telling Jane the truth because I knew she would be angry.名词结构 telling Jane the truth 在句中
充当 avoid 的宾语说明 avoid 的内容
Asleeping car表示卧铺车冶袁sleeping 表示 car 的功能sleeping 是动名词作定语
Asleeping dog表示睡觉的狗冶袁sleeping dog 的动作sleeping 是现在分词作定语
第二节 真题难句荟萃
分 词
1. Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash鄄only
practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care. (09.12 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干... physicians... are either driven out of business or to (cash鄄only) practices...
either... or...并列连接两个介词词组 out of business to cash鄄only practicesdriven 之后遥 于句子主语
physicians 有前置定语 primary care who 引导的定语从句修饰句末的现在分词短语 contributing...作状语
表示伴随 are driven...而来的结果
译文 不愿降低服务质量的初级护理医生要么被迫停业么提供只收现金的服务这进一步加剧了初级护理服务
2. Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs will meet
its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how a creature so ugly could have won so
much affection. (09.6 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干... we must get a handle (on...) or a creature... will meet its end...
本句是由 or 连接的并列句or 要不冶遥 于一分get a handle on 始理
冶曰一分句中主语 a creature 后有that 引导的定语从句修饰outlive噎噎更长寿冶袁现在分词短语
leaving meet its end冤冶所造成的后果leave... to...中的不定式 to wonder our
descendants 的补语wonder 后接了一个 how 引导的宾语从句
译文 最终我们也一定要解决这个问题否则这些比恐龙幸存时间还长的生物就将在类的手上灭绝到时我们的
3. With the dollar slumping to a 26鄄year low against the pound, already鄄expensive London has become quite
unaffordable. (08.6 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干... London has become (quite) unaffordable.
这是个简单句首的with+宾语the dollar+宾补slumping to...冤冶作状语表示原因遥 野美元兑英镑跌到了
26 年来的最低点遥 冶
译文 随着美元兑换英镑跌至 26 年来的最低原本已经很昂贵的伦敦变得让人去不起了
4. We see our kids蒺 college background as a prize demonstrating how well we蒺ve raised them. (08.6 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干We see... background as a prize...
谓语部分see... as...的句噎噎噎噎冶as 引导的介词短语作宾语补足语在分
demonstrating 作后置定语修饰 a prizehow 引导的从句作 demonstrating 的宾语
译文 我们把子女的大学教育背景当成是证明我们如何成功养育子女的奖品
5. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they蒺d never
say or do to their most casual acquaintances. (07.12 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干... I had customers say and do...
句首as 是介其宾someone 后有一个过去分词短语 paid to...起表作为一个别人付款请
我给他们上菜的冶袁实就是作为一个服务员冶袁在句中作状语遥 于谓语部分用了 have... do...的句型
/让某人做冶袁省略 to 的不say and do 在句中作宾语 customers I suspect they蒺d...
关系词的定语从句修饰 things该定语从句本身是个I suspect+宾语从句的结构
译文 作为一个拿别人的钱侍侯别人吃饭的有些顾客对我说过一些话做过一些事要要
6. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away, then beckoned me back with his finger a
minute later, complaining he was ready to order and asking where I蒺d been. (07.12 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干... a man... waved me away, then beckoned me back...
句中then 连接个谓动词waved beckoned构成复合谓语主语 a man 后有一个在分
talking...作定语遥 于第二个谓语动词 beckoned 带有三个状语一个是表示工具的 with 引导的介词短语另两
个是个是表示伴随状况的现在分词短语 complaining...asking...而且这两个现在分词都有自己的宾语从句
译文 一天晚上一个顾客用手机通话挥手让我走开一分钟后又用手指示意我回来并抱怨说他已经准备好点
7. One might well imagine little girls using exceedingly polite forms when playing house or imitating older
womenin a fashion analogous to little girls蒺 use of a high鄄pitched voice to do teacher talkor mother talk
in role play. (07.6 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干One might (well) imagine little girls (using...)
句是imagine ++doing的句using... forms little girls
遥 于现在分词 playing imitating or 并列连接前面带了连词 when相当于省略形式的时间状语从句
个分词作 using 的状折号的介词短语是 using 的方式状语analogous to...是形容词短语作后置定语
修饰 fashion
译文 完全可以想象一下小姑娘在玩过家家或模仿年长女性时使用常礼貌的敬语的情要要
8. As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989, he ended his work there disgusted with his
students蒺 overwhelming lust for money. (06.12 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干he ended his work...
句首的介词短语 as...作状语表示身份visiting professor 客座教授冶遥 句末的 disgusted with噎噎深恶痛
是过去分词短语作状语可表示伴随情形overwhelming lust for money对金钱的强烈欲望冶遥
译文 他于 1989 年在哈佛商学院担任客座教授后来由于厌恶自己的学生对金钱的狂热贪欲而终止了那里的工作
9. Meanwhile, most children are vulnerable to the enormous influence exerted by grandchildless parents aiming
to persuade their kids to produce children. (06.1 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干... most children are vulnerable (to...)
本句是个简单句谓语部分用了 be vulnerable to...短语to 是介词后接名词 influence 作宾语exerted 是过去
分词influence 的后置定语aiming 是现在分词parents 的后置定语exert influence施加影响冶遥
译文 同时在他们父母的巨大影响下绝大部分的子女很容易被说服生育孩子
10. This isn蒺t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe蒺s new economic landscape,
embraced by sociologists, real鄄estate developers and ad executives alike. (05.6 Passage 1)
结构分析 主干This isn蒺t the stuff..., but a fact...
not... but...连接两个并列的名词词组在句中作表语两个词组都有相应的修饰成分修饰 stuff 的是 of 介词短
修饰 fact 的既有 of 介词短语还有过去分词短语 embraced...
译文 这并不是悲观的哲学沉思的东西而是社会学家房地产开发商和广告主管都欣然接受的欧洲新的经济现象
11. Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour, and reward them for
optimally managing their diseases and practicing evidence鄄based medicine. (09.12 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干Remove the pressure... and reward them for...
本句由 and 并列连接的两个祈使句构遥 于前一个祈使句中不定式短语 to squeeze...往每个小时的时间
里塞更多的病人作定语修饰 the pressure该不定式的逻辑主语由 for 引导后一个祈使句中介词 for...表示
原因后面接了两个动名词短语 managing...practicing...
译文 要解除初级护理医生在单位时间内多看病人的压力对那些能很好控制疾病和实践循证医疗的医生给予嘉
12. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can
console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield
huge dividends. (09.6 Passage 2)
结构分析 主干... economists say (families... can console themselves with...)
say 后面的内容都是 say 的宾语该宾语从句的主语是 families其后有一个不定式短语 to go...修饰不定式

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作者:冰心玉壶 分类:考试资料 价格:1金币 属性:32 页 大小:1.42MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-03-18


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