
3.0 Word小能手 2025-02-22 101 50 2.46MB 1 页 5金币 海报
Following the New Year's Eve is
the rst day of the Spring Fesval, a
day for paying a New Year's vist, during
which people will be busy in giving best
wishes to one another. It is said that
people shouldn't dump things on the
rst day of the new year, so that they
would be able to keep whatever
worth of fortune they will be
in possession of in the
next year.
Pay New Year call
On New Year's Eve, people who work far away will
manage to come home, regardless of long-distance travel,
so the 'Grand Dinner on New Year's Eve' is also called 'Family Reunion
Dinner'. Every family will make the dinner the most sumptuous and
ceremonious one in the year. Hostesses will fetch out prepared food
and all family members will sit together and make dumplings in
harmony. At twelve o'clock, every family will shoot o+ recrackers
to greet new days and send o+ old ones.
Spring Fesval
The Spring Fesval is also called Chinese
Lunar New Year. Being one of the tradional
Chinese fesvals, it is the grandest and most
important fesval for Chinese people. It is
also the me for whole families to get
together, which is similar to Christmas for


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作者:Word小能手 分类:办公文档 价格:5金币 属性:1 页 大小:2.46MB 格式:DOCX 时间:2025-02-22


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